Insight To Help You Resolve A Basement Moisture Problem

Posted on: 6 August 2020

When you discover moisture in your basement, it may originate from the outside soil or from interior humidity and condensation, but the result is never ideal. Moisture problems in your basement need to be remedied thoroughly so they don't cause mold and mildew damage and health issues. However, a basement drainage system with a sump pump is a great way to alleviate the problem and restore your home interior without excavating around the landscaping and exterior of your home. Here are some recommendations when you are installing a basement drainage system to keep your basement dry and free of moisture problems. 

Determine the Moisture Problem Location

As a first step in repairing a moisture problem in your basement, you need to determine where in your basement the moisture is coming from and what its source is. For example, you need to find out if the moisture is coming from excess humidity in the air and collecting on the cold basement walls and draining to the floor or if the moisture is seeping in through a gap between the foundation slab and the walls from outside water levels. 

If the moisture is from excessive soil saturation, you can take steps to repair the problem on the exterior of your home and in the soil drainage. Or you can remedy the problem with an interior collection system, such as a sump pump and a French drain. 

Excavate the Site

When you select an interior moisture remediation solution, you are trapping the water once it has entered your basement space and before it damages any flooring or drywall. And for this reason, you will need to install a drainage system in the floor of the room perimeter, focusing on the side or sides of the basement that receive incoming moisture problems.

Next, cut out the concrete floor where you will install the perforated drain pipe below the foundation slab. This will allow you to collect any moisture as it comes directly into the basement, either collected onto the walls or through the foundation crack. 

Install a Drain and Pump

To install the drainpipe, you will need it set within a bed of gravel to help it collect moisture runoff. The gravel will keep the pipe in place and prevent it from collecting soil within the pipe. Once the pipe has been covered with a layer of gravel, you will need it to connect into the sump pump basin set below the floor. This set-up will allow water to drain through the pipe and into the pump where it will activate the pump to deliver it up and out of your home. 

Contact your local contractor for a sump pump installation to keep your basement moisture-free.


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